Nicky Coutts
n [dot] coutts [at] btinternet [dot] com
1968 geboren in Hobart, Tasmanien
1991—1992 MA Fine Art (Alternative Media), Chelsea College of Art, London
1993–1994 Picker Demonstrator/ VL, Fine Art, University of Kingston-Upon-Thames
1996-2001 PhD Fine Art, Royal College of Art, London
1997–2001 Associate/Commissioning Editor, Coil, Journal of the Moving Image
1998–2000 Commissioning Editor, Make Magazine of Women’s Art
1999-2002 Visual Art Consultant, The Women's Press
2001-2002 Artist in Residence, Art Review Magazine
2006–2009 VL, Critical and Historical Studies, Royal College of Art
Die Künstlerin lebt und arbeitet in London.
2010 Anwesenheitsstipendium Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral, Bad Ems
2004-2009 Fine Art Fellow, Middlesex University, UK
2009 Commission and 1 month residency, Youkobo Art Space, Tokyo
2008 Tatton Park Biennial, Sited commission and Diawa Foundation sponsorship for research trip to Kyoto, Japan
2007 English Heritage Berwick Gymnasium Fellowship
2007 North and South, 2 commissions
2006 Forestry Commission and CCANW Public Art Commission, Exeter
2004 Art For Life public artwork commission for Taunton Hospital, Exeter
2002 CIWF award and bursary for new work
2000 Route 12:36, collaborative commission for the South London Gallery
2010 Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, London
2009 Change of Heart, Queens Hall, Hexham
2009 Some Other Time, VARC, Northumberland
2008 The Discovery of Slowness, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, London
2007 The Discovery of Slowness, Berwick Gymnasium
2006 Another Land, The Graves Art Gallery & Museum, Sheffield
2001 Vermeerspaces, Hat on Wall Gallery, London
2010 Doris, Stedefreund, Berlin
2010 Multichannel, Artsway
2010 Ha Gamle Prestegard, Havegen, Naerbo, Norway
2009 Connecting Green and Urban Space, Zempukuji Park, Tokyo
2009 Is Mary Here Again? collaboration with artist Liz Murray, Waygood Gallery, Newcastle and the Northern Print Biennial
2009 Skies, Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery
2009 The Animal Gaze, exhibition/symposium, London Metropolitan University
2007 Oil and Silver, Hoopers Gallery, London
2007 North and South, Millais Gallery, Southampton and the National Glass Centre, Sunderland
2006 A Season in Hell, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, London
2005 The Art of White, The Lowry, Manchester
2005 Young Masters, Clerkenwell, London
2003 The Entangled Eye, Gallery Speak For, Tokyo
2003 The Human Zoo, The Hatton Gallery, Newcastle
2003 Animality, The Blue Oyster Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand
2002 FUSE, After Dolly, ICA, London
200 Love, Labour and Loss, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle and Royal Albert Museum and Art Gallery, Exeter
2002 Fair Play, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham