Byrd Williams

bwilliams [at] ccccd [dot] edu
1970-73 Studium an der Texas Wesleyan University und der Texas Christian University, Abschluss: B.B.A. Business Management
1969-88 Eigentümer/Manager: Byrd Photo Service; Ft. Worth, Texas
1982-90 Adjunct Professor für Fotografie, Tarrant County Junior College, Ft. Worth, Texas (N.E.)
1990 Southern Methodist University, Abschluss: M.F.A. Studio Art
1993-94 Associate Professor für Fotografie, East Texas State University
1996-97 Associate Professor, Southern Methodist University
seit 1998 freiberuflicher Fotograf für regionale und internationale Zeitschriften
2001 Associate Professor für Fotografie, University of Texas, Dallas
1988–2003 Coordinator und Professor für Fotografie, Collin County Community College, Plano, Texas
2004-06 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Fotografie, Collin County Community College, Plano, Texas
seit 2006 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Fotografie und Grafik-Design, Collin County Community College, Plano und Frisco
Byrd Williams lebt und arbeitet in Plano, Texas (USA).
Preise und Auszeichnungen
2006 ACE FELLOW, Academy for Collegiate Excellence leadership program (Stipendium)
2005 Fine Arts Faculty of the Year, Collin County College, Plano Texas (Dozent des Jahres)
2000 Reading Grant for specialized discipline research, Collin County Community College (Stipendium)
1997 Stipendium Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral, Bad Ems
1996 Wm. E. Jary, Jr. Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions to Historical Documentation, T.C. Historical Commission (Gedächtnispreis)
1991 Documentary Grant, Historic Preservation Council for Tarrant County, Texas - 200 Photographs for T.C.H. Resources Survey (Stipendium)
1988-90 Vollstipendium zur Erlangung des Master of Fine Arts in Fotografie, Southern Methodist University
1987 Art Grant for the acquisition of Platinum Portfolio, Hui Noeau visual Arts Center, Maui Hawaii (Stipendium)
2006 Photographic Background, Texas A&M University-Commerce, The University Gallery
2005 Around Walls, After Image Gallery, Dallas Texas
2004 Interiors From Collin County, Texas Tech Art Department, Lubbock Texas
2001 FACES, PLACES, TRASH, KunstRaum-Klaus Hinrichs, Trier
1998 Byrd Williams: Ortsbeschreibungen, Küstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral, Bad Ems
1997 Civilized Space, Fotoarbeiten, KunstRaum-Klaus Hinrichs, Trier
1995 Ft.Worth’s Legendary Landmarks, Flat Iron Builiding presentation. Historic Preservation Council for Tarrant County
1995 Byrd Williams – Fotoarbeiten: Stadtlandschaften aus Fort worth, USA, KunstRaum-Klaus Hinrichts, Trier
1993 Urban Semiotics, Cedar Valley College Gallery, Lancaster, Texas
1993 Night Triptychs, Center for Contemporary Arts, Abilene, Texas
1991 New Photographs by Byrd Williams, Ft. Worth Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas
1990 Night Triptychs, Plaza of the Americas Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1989 Maui, Hui Noeau Gallery, Maui, Hawaii
1983 Textures of the Southwest, Hui Noeau Gallery, Maui, Hawaii
1978 The Forth Generation, Kell Street Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas
2007 Unverzagt, das Hotel Balzer!, Künstlerhaus Schloß Balmoral, Bad Ems
2007 World Lens, ArtCentre of Plano, Texas
2005 (Face) Value, 14th ST Gallery, Plano Texas
2005 New acquisitions: Photo Forum 2005, Museum Fine Arts Houston
2003 ARTdepARTment, Galleryartspace, Dallas, Texas
2003 Texas City Lights, Amon Carter Museum, Ft Worth
2002 Landscape: Out of Fort Worth, Eunice and James L. West library - East Room gallery. Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth, Texas
2002 TUCKER DEDICATION EXHIBITION Permanent Collection (William E. and Jean Jones tucker Technology Center), Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth Texas
2002 Texas Tall Tales by Texas Artists, Photographs Do not Bend Gallery, Dallas Texas
2002 Landscapes of Ft. Worth, Europäische Kunstakademie Trier
2001 Nightscapes- Fotografien der Nacht, Stadthaus Ulm
1999 Focus Trier: Byrd Williams and Rut Blees Luxemburg, ACC Galerie, Weimar
1999 Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection, Amon Carter Museum, Ft. Worth, Texas
1999 Focus Trier, Städtisches Museum Simeonstift, Trier
1998 Art Cologne
1998 untitled, Claudia Stein Gallery, Stuttgart
1997 Art Frankfurt, Frankfurt
1997 Masterworks of the Photography Collection: 35 Years of Collecting, Amon Carter Museum, Ft. Worth, Texas
1996 52nd Annual Exhibition, Museum of Abilene, Abilene, Texas
1995 At the Snapping Point, Pinnacle Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1995 Gallery Night Dutch Phillips & Co. Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1995 Rheinland-Pfalz, Galerien Kunstvereine Museen: Trierer Kunsttage (mit David Hockney, Clarissa Sligh, Jim Dine, Larence McFarland)
1994 Collin County Documents, Dallas Public Library
1994 New Acquisitions Amon Carter Museum, Ft. Worth, Texas
1993 Evidence of Texas, Waco Art Center, Waco, Texas
1993 Texas Scapes, Photographic Archives, Dallas, Texas
1992 Christmas Exhibition, Fort Worth Gallery
1992 Beaux Arts Exhibition, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas
1992 Texas Photographs, Perthshire Gallery, New Scone Perthshire, Schottland
1991 Texas Photo/Photo-real, Marie Parks Gallery, Dallas
1990 Evidence of Texas, Northlake Gallery, Irving, Texas
1990 The Byrd Williams Family: 100 years of Photographs, Fort Worth Gallery, Texas
1990 Evidence of Texas, Imagination Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1990 Altered and Alternative Photographic Images, Allen Street Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1990 Visual Reunion, Haggar University Gallery at the University of Dallas, Irving, Texas
1988 Ellison’s 100 years in Ft. Worth, Texas Heritage INC, Ft Worth, Texas
1986 The Byrd Williamses of Texas, Tarrant County Community College Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas
1986 Views, Brown-Lupton Gallery at Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth, Texas
1985 Tarrant County Works on Paper, T.C.U. Gallery, Ft.Worth, Texas
1985 Historic Photographs, Republic Bank Of San Antonio
1985 90 Years of photography, Photo Specialties Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas
1984 Texas Group Exhibition, Gallery Downtown, Ft.Worth, Texas
1983 Texas Art in the Metroplex, Brown-Lupton Gallery, Ft.Worth, Texas
1983 A Gathering at the House of Courts, Tarrant County Courthouse Permanent Exhibition
1982 Family Vision 1898-1982, Perry Caldwell Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas
1981 States of Texas, Allen Street Gallery, Dallas, Texas
1978 Unedited Photographs, MJS Fine Art, Ft. Worth, Texas
1977 Four Generations of Photography, Kell Street Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas